Friday, November 28, 2008

The Holly Days Are Here

'Tis the season to celebrate, laugh, and live. While all that sounds well and good, 'tis also the season to rest and recoup. Holidays can be a great deal of fun and energy, but as we all know the at the end of the year we begin to feel that winter drag. So this winter why not step up your game a little with your own bah humbug to winter blues with  a little Restorative Yoga? The benefits of this type  of yoga far surpass anything you could imagine. Like what you ask? Well for starters, this form of yoga can help re-channel your circulation, detox your major organs, and help you feel more rested than if you were actually sleeping.

Not to be confused with more traditional forms of yoga, this yoga is done primarily on your back with supports to keep your body in prolonged postures. Restorative is a great way to help recharge our earth human suits and take a much needed time out. If you feel the least bit guilty about booking one of these sessions, no worries, I'll bring along holiday music so you can feel like you're still in the loop.

I'm also offering two other amazing packages for those of you who would like to do some overall tone-ups and tune-ups. One package is for 12 sessions to be used by the end of the year, and the other is 6 sessions to be used by the end of the year. As always, you choose the style you like and let me do the rest. 

So here's to happy endings with new beginnings in sight.



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